Embassy of Australia Anniversary Celebration

29 October, 2024 6:00PM | Embassy of Australia, Washington D.C. | Premiere of "Unbreakable" by Michael Grebla accompanied by a program of his works (Piano Trio No.1, String Quartet No.1, String Quartet No.2) performed by Amir Farid, Ari Evan, Mari Lee, Rubén Rengel, and Maurycy Banaszek.

Music for Transitions - Private Patrons Only Album Preview Event

Dec 9, 2023 - Melbourne, Private patrons only preview event of Music for Transitions with the Penny Quartet. This informal social event is the presentation of a work in progress ahead of album recording hosted at a private residence with drinks and nibbles.

(2022) Australia Council for the Arts - Arts Projects for Individuals Grant

Highly selective grant. This program funds a range of activities that deliver benefits to the arts sector and wider public, including national and international audiences. Grants are available from $10,000 to $50,000. Supported activities must last no longer than two years from the proposed start date.

More about the Australia Council For The Arts

(2022) Red Jasper Award in Music Composition

Runner-up/Finalist | String Quartet No.2 “Fede”

One of 6 finalists selected from over 400 applications. The Red Jasper Award in Musical Composition seeks to recognize and promote outstanding musical works by recent composers

(2021) Thailand Music and Arts Organization Symposium Open Call

Honorable Mention | String Quartet No.2: “Fede” (Faith) | Selected from 412 applications from 31 countries.

(2020) Kaleidoscope 2020 Call for Scores

Semi Finalist | String Quartet #2: Fede | Selected as a semifinalist from the submission of 7824 works.

(2020) Deus Ex Musica - Call For Scores

Winner | String Quartet #2: “Fede”. Winning works to be performed by Carrefour Chamber Music Project in Shreveport, Louisiana in collaboration with Deus Ex Musica as part of their interfaith Sacred Chamber Music Festival. Fede was selected as a work representing a composer of the Catholic faith.

Deus Ex Musica Carrefour Chamber Music "Festival of (New)er Music"

Carrefour Chamber Music Present Deus Ex Musica Call for Score Competition's winning works, including String Quartet #2: "Fede" (Faith) by Michael Grebla.

Indiana State University Contemporary Music Festival (October 2020)

Terre Haute, Indiana USA

An annual new music festival at Indiana State University College of Arts and Science.  The week long festival presented a series of concerts. I participated as a featured guest and winner of the “Music Now Contest”. I gave a presentation of the winning work “String Quartet #2: Fede” via teleconference and a recording was featured as part of the  festival’s closing concert titled “Music Now Recital”.

Music Now Contest ResultsISU Contemporary Music Festival