(2011) Richard Wagner Society of Western Australia Bayreuth Festival Prize

Travel prize awarded to an outstanding emerging artist at the University of Western Australia to attend 5 Wagner operas at the coveted Bayreuth Festival.

Report to the Richard Wagner Society as presented in their newsletter.

(2011) St George's College J. M. Wolff Music Scholarship

Awarded to a resident demonstrating outstanding academic performance in music at the University of Western Australia.

Tura New Music 9th Totally Huge New Music Festival (September 2009)

Perth, Western Australia

A festival featuring the performance of an early quartet “Rain” for oboe, violin, cello and piano as part of the “Sonic Discourse” concert at the West Australian Museum. In addition to the performance of my work, I participated in seminars, lectures and workshops with other composers and guest artists.

(2006) Borger Prize

Awarded to the most outstanding graduating student who in addition to academic excellence must also demonstrate excellence in the arts.